
Privacy Policy

MIinkoti Agencies Limited PLC / Minkoti Agencies Europe OÜ and its affiliates (“MINKOTI AGENCIES” or “we”) are committed to protecting the privacy of the personally-identifiable information that we collect from you as you use this Website (the “Site”). The scope of MINKOTI AGENCIES’ commitment is detailed in this Privacy Policy. By submitting information, you agree to MINKOTI AGENCIES’ use of such information as described herein.

What personally-identifiable information is collected?

MINKOTI AGENCIES collects personally-identifiable information (“Personal Info”) on certain areas of the Site when users register, request information or a response, sign up for events, apply for jobs, and participate in user posting areas, such as bulletin boards, discussion forums, blogs, and surveys. The personally-identifiable information collected may include, without limitation, your access ID/password, company or school affiliations, and contact information (names, mailing and e-mail addresses, phone/ fax numbers).

How may my Personal Info be used?

MINKOTI AGENCIES uses your Personal Info to fulfill your requests for information to process your requests to participate in events and to review and consider any employment-related inquiries that you may submit. We may keep any of your Personal Info on file and use it to contact you for recruiting purposes. MINKOTI AGENCIES may also use Personal Info in analyzing site user behavior in order to measure interest in specific items posted on our Site. The e-mail addresses provided at registration allow MINKOTI AGENCIES to send e-mail to individuals based on the areas of interest that they indicate during the registration process. MINKOTI AGENCIES uses Personal Info collected from cookies and IP addresses as described below.

GDPR Compliance with software use

  1. We collect your public profile data only from your consent that you grant before initiating Social Login, from the social network used to login at our website. This data includes your first name, last name, email address, link to your social media profile, unique identifier, link to social profile avatar. This data is used to create your user profile at our website. You can revoke this consent at any time by sending us an email.
  2. We embed a Facebook widget to allow you to see number of likes/shares/recommends and “like/share/recommend” our webpages. This widget may collect your IP address, your web browser User Agent, store and retrieve cookies on your browser, embed additional tracking, and monitor your interaction with the widget, including correlating your Facebook account with whatever action you take within the widget (such as “liking/sharing/recommending” our webpage), if you are logged in to Facebook. For more information about how this data may be used, please see Facebook’s data privacy policy:
  3. We use Reddit Badge widget at our website which may log information when you interact with the widget. This may include your IP address, user-agent string, browser type, operating system, referral URLs, device information (e.g., device IDs), pages visited, links clicked, user interactions (e.g., voting data), the requested URL and hardware settings, in accordance with their privacy policy:
  4. We use StumbleUpon Badge widget at our website which may log information when you interact with the widget. Log Data is a form of Non-Identifying Information, in accordance with their privacy policy:
  5. We use Pinterest Save widget at our website to allow you to pin images to Pinterest from our webpages. These requests may track your IP address in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  6. We use a Linkedin Share widget at our website to allow you to share our webpages on Linkedin. These requests may track your IP address in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  7. We use a Twitter Tweet widget at our website. As a result, our website makes requests to Twitter’s servers for you to be able to tweet our webpages using your Twitter account. These requests make your IP address visible to Twitter, who may use it in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  8. We use Google Analytics to track social shares made at our website. Google automatically collect and store certain information in their server logs which includes device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL, cookies that may uniquely identify your browser or your Google Account, in accordance with their data privacy policy:

Are cookies and IP addresses used?

The Site uses cookies to identify you and your interests and to track usage of the Site. Cookies are small pieces of text stored on your computer that help us know which browser you are using and where you have been on the Site and on Web sites to which you may link in order to use some of our features. Cookies also let us know whether you have registered with us and otherwise enable us to relate your current usage of the Site to prior usage of this or other Sites of MINKOTI AGENCIES or its affiliates. By accepting our cookie, you will be permitted access to certain pages of the Site without having to log in each time you visit. A user who does not accept the cookie from the Site may not be able to access certain areas of the Site. MINKOTI AGENCIES also logs IP addresses, or the location of computers on the Internet, to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer the Site.

Is personally-identifiable information disclosed to third parties?

MINKOTI AGENCIES will not intentionally disclose (and will take commercially reasonable steps to prevent the accidental disclosure of) your Personal Info to third parties (i.e., persons or entities that are not affiliates of MINKOTI AGENCIES) except as set forth in this Policy.

  1. MINKOTI AGENCIES may disclose your Personal Info to third parties as required or permitted by the laws, rules, and regulations of any nation, state, or other applicable jurisdiction;
  2. MINKOTI AGENCIES may disclose your Personal Info to third parties who deliver information from us to you for the purpose of performing such delivery;
  3. MINKOTI AGENCIES may disclose your Personal Info if, in connection with submitting the information, you consent to such disclosure;
  4. MINKOTI AGENCIES may disclose contact information for you in response to inquiries by bona-fide rights owners in connection with allegations of infringement of copyright or other proprietary rights arising from information you have posted on the Site or otherwise provided to MINKOTI AGENCIES;
  5. If MINKOTI AGENCIES and/or any of its affiliates merges with or sells substantially all of its assets or a majority of its equity to a third party, information collected by MINKOTI AGENCIES or such affiliates on their Web sites may be disclosed to and become owned by the merged entity or third party. Any such merged entity or third party may have different privacy policies.

Links to third-party sites

We may provide links to third-party Web sites as a service to our users. In addition, some of the content appearing to be on this Site is in fact supplied by third parties, for example, in instances of framing of third-party Web sites or incorporation through framesets of content supplied by third-party servers. We cannot control and are not responsible for the information collection and privacy practices of such third-party Web sites, which may differ from those of this Site.

How can I unsubscribe to email lists and registrations?

You may access, correct, update, and/or delete any Personal Info that you submitted to the Site. You may also unsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations on the Site. To do so, please either follow the instructions on the page of the Site on which you have provided such information or subscribed or registered or contact us at [email protected]


MINKOTI AGENCIES has implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect Personal Info from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized MINKOTI AGENCIES personnel are provided access to Personal Info. Despite these precautions, MINKOTI AGENCIES cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not obtain access to your Personal Info.


By using the Site, you consent to the collection, use, and storage of your information by us in the manner described in this Privacy Policy and elsewhere on the Site. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will alert you to any such changes by updating this Privacy Policy.

Effective Date

This policy was updated in January 2024.

E-mail: [email protected]

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